The Best Podcast Hosting Services Compared

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Podcast Hosting

We conduct podcast hosting reviews for all of the popular audio podcast media hosting services out there агентство недвижимости Самолет Плюс.

What is a podcast media host?

It’s essentially a service provider with plenty of storage available, that is able to take the pressure of multiple people downloading your audio (or video) media files all at the same time. Why should you pay for podcast hosting? As we’ll find out in this episode, audio hosting online is not an easy and cheap process, but there are companies that make it accessible for a monthly or annual fee.

SoundCloud Podcast Hosting

There is a Pro plan with SoundCloud that will allow you to upload as much audio as you wish. Their podcasting scheme looks interesting, but it’s been in beta for ages and you have to apply and get accepted (not all do get accepted). SoundCloud is worth checking out if you want an “all you can eat” podcast hosting solution.


Squarespace podcast hosting is simple and easy. It’s probably one of the easiest podcast hosting solutions for complete beginners. They even have a simple tutorial on their help pages that will guide you through how to podcast with Squarespace.

Amazon Podcast Hosting

Amazon Web Services podcast hosting is something you could consider, along with other cloud file storage solutions such as Rackspace Cloud Files. Amazon S3 will allow lightning fast delivery of all your files, but be wary of your podcast becoming popular after a feature on iTunes, as you pay for every single download! It may be pennies and start out cheaper than other hosts with fixed plans, but it can all add up over time.

Weebly Podcast Hosting

Weebly gives beginner users the chance to create their own gorgeous website. They also include audio player capabilities in their Pro plan, which would allow the hosting and serving of an audio podcast.

Dedicated Podcast Hosting Companies

Twitter started as a podcasting company – heard that from Episode 2 of

You could choose to entrust you precious MP3 files to a company that does nothing else but host podcasts. Two of the biggest are Libsyn and Blubrry.

Libsyn has been in the game of hosting podcasts since the creation of podcasts. The team there know plenty about podcasting, and if you want a podcast media host where you can upload your MP3 files (via their web interface or FTP) and do the rest yourself, then you’ve found it. This option would be for more intermediate to advanced podcasters.

Blubrry is a slightly more expensive option than Libsyn, but you also get their premium podcast statistics in all plans, and they often reach out to podcasters and help them to find sponsorship for their shows.

I have a special promotional coupon that will get you 1 month of free hosting with Blubrry. You can use the code ‘mrc’ when signing up to try Blubrry free for your first month. I do not have the same deal available for Libsyn unfortunately. 

Buzzsprout is the easiest way to host, promote and track your podcast.

Podcast Hosting UK

audioBoom is a podcast-hosting company based in the UK. They’ve recently changed their name and they are focused on making a great listening experience for users of the audioBoom app. If you’re looking for UK-based podcast hosting, then consider audioBoom.

The Best Free Podcast Hosting Podcast Hosting

This is one of the best free solutions for podcast hosting and it is completely free with no strings attached. Although you obviously have no control over how fast your media files are served, and indeed if they do stay there forever, as you’re not paying!

Don’t Use These Providers for Free Podcast Hosting


Dropbox for podcast hosting is really not a good idea at all. Dropbox was designed for sharing files between people and teams, but not for sharing files with the world.

Google Drive

Hosting a podcast on Google Drive is also not a very good idea – it’s fiddly to host a podcast on Google Drive, and not worth it. Dropbox and Google Drive will become a little upset if a file you have shared publicly gets a ton of downloads (as podcasts do), and may suspend your account! It’s also worth mentioning that dedicated podcast hosts will ensure that your files are served correctly for the best listening experience, even when the listener is streaming your MP3 file.

Web Host

Do not consider your own web host for podcast hosting. As great as Bluehost, HostGator and Dreamhost are, they are not designed for podcast hosting and you could have your account terminated or suspended if you serve large media files from your website hosting. This may change if you have a more expensive server plan (such as a VPS).

How About Live Podcast Hosting?

Google Hangouts On Air is fast becoming the best solution for hosting a live podcast (audio or video) that will be immediately uploaded to YouTube when you’re finished podcasting. You may then strip the audio from the video and upload it to an audio host too.

What About Video Podcast Hosting?

Video files are huge! There is no getting around it. You’ll pay plenty for hosting actual video files such as MOV or MP4. The best way would be to use YouTube or Vimeo, but if you really want to host video, you could consider a media host such as Libsyn or Blubrry.

What is the Best Podcast Hosting Site?

Our Recommendation: Spreaker

We host all of our podcasts with Spreaker and have done so since July 2013. They are a forward-thinking company based in Berlin, with affordable plans for beginners and advanced alike.

We’ve interviewed Francesco in one of MRC’s Podcast Episodes.

Spreaker makes it super easy to host your podcast media files while, at the same time, giving you complete control over ownership of those files and where you choose to publish them. That means you can add them to your WordPress site or any other external RSS feed.

The other benefit is that Spreaker comes with a ready and waiting community of over 3,000,000 users, ready to consume your content on Spreaker’s iOS, Android and Windows Phone apps. You can gain followers and interact with your listeners on the Spreaker platform.

Spreaker in iOS and Spreaker in Android.

Read my complete guide to podcasting with Spreaker.

Who do you host your podcast with? Let me know in the comments!